Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Media Art

I think a about a new media art is a genre that encompasses artwork created with new media technologies,computer grafics,computer animation,virtual art,interative art technologies,computer robotic,internet art and art as biotechnology.New media art involves two interactions between artists and audience as they can communicate through the media art.

New art comes from telecomunications, media and digital mode from the work of art involving the delivery, with the start of his practice from conceptual to virtual art,performance installion.As an example we can see the artists Eduardo Kac as he was able to explore the DNA and genetics as a new media art in the world of biotechnology.

While Kontemporer new media art ia the influence of new media art has been developed around the theory of hypertext,databases, and network. For example artists Vannevar Bush and Theodor Nelson has given significant contributions from Jorge Luis Borges literary, Italo Calvino,Julia Cortazar, Lev Manovich, and Douglas Cooper because they incorporateelements of the revolution to the subjects of anti - narration and narration,to the exploration such as non - linear narration and interactivity.

For example in the book New Media Art by Mark and Reena Jana Tribes named several themes that addresses contemporary new media art,including computer art, collaboration, identity,appropriation,open sourcing,telepresence, surveillance,coporate parody, as well as intervention and Bill Viola is discussing the term as approach to see various forms of digital projects.This is a key concept for the idea that they obtained to see things in a linear and clear.

There are non - linear art requires the participation of audience to reveal a non - random linieritas temprary art, the action is more or less,on its own.General secret, people can see this is part of non - linear because of the ideas emphasized by those such as Viola with this audience will know the various forms of new media art.There is no limit in any way, non - linear art usually the participation of the audience to reveral a non - random linieritas temporary art,the action is more or less,on its own.

When watching the Secret General, who can see this part of a non - linear because the ideas emphasized by thoose who like Viola.Thus,the audience can understand the other themes in the various forms of new media art.Participatory aspects of new media art,which for some artistshave become separeted,emerged form the 'Allan Kaprow's affairs'.Inter connectiviy and interactivity to the internet and the battle between corporate interests,the intererts of the government and public interest in creating web today and exhilarating all at this time inpresion new media art.

As a technology used to send works of art media such as film,tapes ,web browsers,operating system and software become obsolete, new art media faces problem around the challenge to preserve artwork beyond the time of contemporary production.Currently,research projects in the preservation of new media art is being done to improve the conservation and documentation of media art herritage fragile (see DOCAM - Documentation and Conservation of Media Arts Herritage).

New Media Art is veryimportant and in line with current devepment tecnology.Society can make simple things i quaickly,the results also quality.Further, the community can add knowledge to the world of new technology and be know by all of the people,we can create community competitive and do not miss the world of tecnology.

Graffiti art

In my opinion, garffiti art is a plural word derived from graffiti Italy.In this form ,means graffiti art pictures,signs,patterns,snippets,or spread the massage,written,carved on a wall or surface.Graffiti also means claw in reference to the writings of the wall different from cave paintings,bathroom graffiti, or tergores massage on the wall.

Graffiti is a soul or form of expression of the individual artists.Art writing is a creative way to communicate with the author and the community to communicate the work or the message.Communication is very important ti artists because it is an artist's indentity,expression,and ideas. This is the type of communication that links people regardless of cultural,liguistic,or racial differences in the way of its own with no others.

In addition,graffiti art allows people to work in the group and share their ideas and opinions though the work produced.According to Walsh in his book entitled Graffito notes that some of their art as a ritual violation represif political and ecconomic order. While some artists see themselves as a revolutionary act in reponse to a sustainable art market or art media system is not only appearing in the media as determined by the curator.Some artists also see creative public and private spaces as a statement againts Western ideas of capitalism and private ownership.

Further,graffiti art is nota spontaneous activities such as marking of the writting but is a solution that involves a lot production ideas imagination,planning,and effort.Graffiti can also be considered and evaluated based on the elements or line,colour and structure inherent in the work to produce a narration about the various stories and significant graffiti art can be seen as art is the deliberate intention of artists.

Graffiti is often criticized as too difficult to understand but this clearly can not take care of the art of graffiti art from more than lack of abstract or Picasso kubisme prevent one of them is difficult to understand the fprm of art is considered art, Goldman aesthetic theory is used to describe the problem of location and presentation in association with graffiti art.Goldman claims that art brings us to another world in a manner sufficient to meet the sensual and aesthetic.Graffiti is produred using various techniques and methods to produce their own work quality and can be understood by communition for example is using spry,paint and so on.

Next each event must have an impact on the comunity or user as graffiti art,because it is affected the comunity through the influence of social,political,and economic world art,graffiti art as art recognition helps to increase awareness and understanding of the nature art.It to prevent the generalization of graffiti all vandalism and therefore something that should always be addressed.